We make games

Dungeon Crawl

The Dungeon Crawl title.

A Wizard launching a fireball.


Dungeon Crawl is a turn-based multiplayer adventure game that hearkens back to nineties fantasy board games. Take control of four heroes and adventure deep into the dungeons of the Demon King! Use exciting abilities to defeat enemies and collect new items and weapons to improve your heroes. The game is spread across three environments, each one themed with unique graphics, monsters and music.

Dungeon Crawl is available on the AirConsole platform and allows up to five people to play cooperatively or against each other. Players use their smartphones to control characters which allows for unique gameplay such as sending secret messages, allowing players to manage their inventory offscreen and learning about defeated monsters. Invite your friends over for local multiplayer fun; explore dungeons and fight monsters together!


  • Local multiplayer action for up to five players.

  • Four different characters to choose from: Wizard, Ranger, Warrior and Rogue, each with their own unique abilities.

  • Players use their smart phones to control their characters, interact with the environment and manage inventory and abilities.

  • Up to four players can play cooperatively against the Demon King and his minions. An optional fifth player can take control of the monsters!

  • Explore fifteen levels across three themed areas: Goblin Caverns, Undead Crypt and Lava Temple.

  • Hordes of ugly monsters to defeat, including Demons, Trolls, Goblins and Skeletons.

  • Collect unique items and improve your characters. Take part in bonus objectives and claim extra item rewards!

A Goblin standing next to some lava.

The 8-Bit Ape logo.


8‑Bit Ape are a collection of awesome people who love making games. We want to make charming and polished small-scale games that can be enjoyed by everybody. Being an independent game developer allows us to try new technologies and explore new mechanics with each game. Dungeon Crawl is our first full release as 8‑Bit Ape and we're very proud of it!

Growing up with Nintendo and Playstation games such as Zelda and Spyro the Dragon has inspired us to create fun and colourful games. We hope to blend the visual style of the past whilst introducing diverse characters, contemporary themes and new gameplay mechanics. We want to make games we are proud of and that you enjoy!


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Download Opening Cinematic


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A Skeleton attacking a Warrior.
Two Skeletons in a library.
A Troll and his Goblin Shaman buddy.
A Wizard launching a fireball.
A massive Troll attacking a Dwarf.
A Skeleton with a flaming skull.


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The Demon King sitting on his throne surrounded by lava.
A collection of Goblin monsters.
A collection of Undead monsters.
A village at night with a scared villager being chased by two Goblins.
Two heroes are surrounded by Goblins.
A collection of Demon and Armoured monsters.


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The Dungeon Crawl title.
An alternative Dungeon Crawl title.
The 8-Bit Ape logo.

The ape from the 8-Bit Ape logo swinging on a vine.